Condolence Letter to Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

The following is a beautiful, inspiring letter of condolence written to Machon Shilo’s Rabbi David Bar-Hayim in the aftermath of the tragic death of Rabbanit Sharon Bar-Hayim ztz”l:

Dear Rav Bar Hayim,
While I have never gotten the privelege to know the Rav personally, I have B”H gotten to know his Torah – at least to a limited level. This Torah has completely transformed how I view certain topics, and the Rav most importantly got me to Question things in Judaism I took to be true without a second thought. Every video of the Rav which I sat through was filled with nothing but pure da’as Torah, intellectual honesty, and calm reason. The unfortunate news of this past Shabbat truly saddens me. The only thing I can be certain of is that the rebbetzin’s neshama is in a better place, with a closer connection to her creator. Baruch Dayan Emeth, and may her neshama have an aliyah.
Daniel Edelstein | Nov.12,2014, 01:14 PM

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