Mayim Hayim – Hayye Sarah 5767
We read in Parashath Hayye Sarah that Dameseq Eli’ezer, Avraham Avinu’s faithful servant, was sent to find a wife for Yisshaq. Now…
Shophar on Shabbath? Not yet…
In my article, “The Misswa of Lulav on Shabbath-Getting Back on Track” , I presented the Halakhic foundation for taking the Lulav…
The Miqdash – Not Yet Time?
Nearly 41 years ago, in the year 5727 (1967), for the first time since the Bar Kokhba Revolt, Jewish soldiers entered Har…
The Miqdash – Why Do We Need It?
Having dealt with lt with the ‘technical’ and Halakhic aspect of the issue, the what and the how – it is time…
Mayim Hayim – Vaeira 5767
In chapter 18 of Sefer Bereshith, Avraham Avinu is told and understands that Hashem will check out what’s going on in Sodom….
The Miqdash – Temple Talk
The Holy Tora states: “And let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them” (Shemoth 25:8). This is a…
Mayim Hayim – Lech Lecha 5767
“And Avram took his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot and all of the property that he had acquired (v’eth hanefesh asher…
Lashon HaQodesh (Loshon HaKodesh)
If the truth be told, I welcomed the letter received by a local Jerusalem newspaper with regard to the transliteration of Hebrew…
Mayim Hayim – Bereshit 5767
The Torah, which we began reading in Bateh Knessioth again this week, is written in Hebrew, a language unlike any other, that…
Mayim Hayim – Noah 5767
Let us examine two points from Parashath Noah, both having to do with Mighdal Bavel – the “Tower of Bavel”. The beginning…